September 2024 - Current


This started as a fun way to learn new technologies such as MongoDB and Google Cloud. During my summer internship at Madrona Venture Labs, I worked on a project using AWS's DynamoDB. DynamoDB uses NoSQL, a database design I particularly liked. After doing some research, I found MongoDB to be a nice free alternative to DynamoDB and wanted to make something with it. I also wanted to learn how to host my website with Google Cloud, which I was successfully able to do until my free credits ran out. I currently host it using since it is free (albeit slow). I decided to use OpenStreetMap as the API to get the map data since that is what Pokemon GO used. I am currently tinkering on the project during weekly CSeed Buildspace club meetings where I hope to integrate an ML model for generating restaurant, attraction, event, etc. suggestions based on posts by users and their friends.

October 2022 - July 2023

Attendance Scanner

During one of my first classes in college, I noticed taking attendance was a time-consuming process that was also prone to error. Other people in my life had also expressed this problem so a fellow UW CS student and I created this web app. It uses QR codes to take attendance, which gets rid of the need for paper and manual entry.

January 2024 - March 2024


This was a fun class project for CSE 333. It organizes files in a directory into data structures and processes queries to output to the user. I worked with the POSIX API as well as network communication. As a bonus feature, I implemented a random search button that would open a random file in the directory.

January 2023 - March 2023

UW Campus Pathfinder

This was a class project for CSE 331. A user inputs a start and end location and the web app outputs the shortest path between the two locations. I learned how to use React Leaflet and implemented bonus features such as adding location markers displaying coordinates.

September 2019 - June 2022

Science Olympiad

During high school, I was a captain and member of my school's Science Olympiad team. I studied science topics from physics to biology to computer science and placed first at state and national competitions (MIT, SoCal) for events such as Code Analysis and Wright Stuff.